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INESCOP has maintained a highly active international presence that has been progressively broadening throughout the years, thus increasing our relationship with companies, governments, other technology centres and various international bodies.

Thanks to these relationships, INESCOP has been able to grow and open up to new markets, which has allowed us to conduct cooperation actions in training, technology advice and technology transfer, in a large number of countries such as Colombia, Brazil, Mexico, Peru, Tunisia, Egypt, Morocco, Ethiopia, China, Japan and Thailand.

Besides, our international involvement has played an essential role in our R&D&I development through European and international projects, as well as in the creation of strategic alliances with other technology and training centres, and companies.


Our international cooperation programmes


AECID Programmes, Spanish Agency for International Development Cooperation
Euorepan Union Programmes
union europea
International Programmes


Actions in 65 countries


mapa internacional


INESCOP in Europe


mapa europa


  • More than 100 projects
  • Almost full participation of all EU-28 countries
  • More than 1,000 entities and companies directly involved as partners of the projects
  • More than 10.5 millon euros of returns for Spanish companies and INESCOP (2010-2015)