Integrating Companies in a Sustainable Apprenticeship System (2017-1-DE02-KA202-00417)
The ERASMUS+ ICSAS project aims to give countries with no experience in dual training the opportunity to implement this training system in the footwear industry.
ICSAS arises from the need to offer countries with no experience in work-based learning the opportunity to get a first-hand practical impression of this training system applied to the footwear industry. During the pilot phase of one year, following specific curricula, German and Spanish partners will provide information on how this learning and dual training system works in their countries.
Likewise, a teaching material for footwear tutors from all countries will be developed, as well as a Sector Qualification Framework for industrial shoe production.
The project, coordinated by the University of Bremen, relies on a partnership made up by the International Shoe Competence Center Pirmasens GmbH (ISC) from Germany, Centro Tecnológico do Calçado de Portugal (CTCP) from Portugal, the Universitatea Tehnică Gheorghe Asachi din Iaşi from Romania, and the shoe companies Carité Calçados Lda., Gabor Shoes AG., and Papucei Angela International.
- To develop the existing Vocational Education and Training (VET) systems of Romania and Portugal towards Work-based-learning (WBL) and improve the tutors’ performance in Spain and Germany based on mutual learning from the German apprenticeship system.
- To develop a Sector Qualification Framework and the referencing of national qualifications of Germany, Portugal, Romania, and Spain.
- Identification of potential learning outcomes in each stage of the footwear production process and setting of learning objectives in line with national education systems.
- Sector-specific training handbook for tutors.
- Quality assurance guidelines for Work-Based Learning in the shoe industry.
- Pilot experience reports on apprenticeship in Romania and Portugal.
- Sector Qualification Framework proposal at European level for industrial shoe production.
- Transfer Handbook of results for other sectors or regions.
This three-year project is supported by the European Commission through the Erasmus+ programme.