Skills Alliance for comfort & healthy footwear manufacturing. New qualification profile and innovative training opportunities

FIT2COM aims to create and certify a new occupation and qualification profile of “Expert in Comfort & Healthy footwear manufacturing” and the correspondent innovative training.
The European footwear sector continues growing steadily, being responsible for the 4% of the worldwide footwear production, employing more than 260.000 people in approximately 25.000 companies, mainly SMEs, adopting a development strategy based on higher quality of products and services, flexibility, short time to market, product differentiation and added value. The consumption will continue its growth pattern thanks to the increase in population, longer life expectancy, and consistent improvements in purchasing power. According to the United Nations’ “World Population Prospects Report”, the share of people who are over 60 who is increasing at a rate of 2.6% per year comprises one of the world’s fastest-growing consumer demographic groups, resulting in new consumer demands in relation to comfort and healthy footwear.
In fact, the longer life expectancy represents an enormous opportunity of growth for the European footwear industry and also poses a challenge to SMEs and large enterprises to meet the emerging needs of these new user groups. But the use of healthy and comfort footwear is not restricted any longer to heal injuries or mitigate pain. The preventive factor is also decisive in the purchase of adequate healthy and comfort footwear for all ages. With consumers more and more concerned about their health and a good quality of life when ageing, comfort & healthy footwear is, and will be much more, requested by youngsters.
Comfort & healthy footwear is multifaceted involving footwear design and engineering, manufacturing techniques, biomechanics, medical and therapeutic knowledge. The need of a professional profile in the comfort & healthy footwear and correspondent training is recognised by all footwear stakeholders.

- To develop, pilot and certify (in Portugal, Spain, Germany and Romania) a new professional profile and the corresponding training that responds to the skills gap detected in the field of comfort & healthy footwear design and manufacture, in order to meet the needs resulting form demographic and population changes.
- To increase the level of differentiation of European footwear industries.
- New qualification profile "Expert in comfort & healthy footwear manufacturing".
- Training programme, pedagogical contents and b-learning course on comfort & healthy footwear.
- Manual for trainers/tutors.
- Perofile and training recognised and certified in Portugal, Spain, GErmany and Romania.