Knowledge platform for trasnferring research and innovation in footwer manufacturing (2015-1-R001-KA203-015198)

The K4F (Knowledge for footwear) project seeks to connect the 3 areas of the knowledge triangle: education, research and business, in order to foster excellence in footwear training
The European Footwear sector, as most of the manufacturing sectors, has been affected by the economic and financial crisis in Europe. Europe has a very long tradition in the production of footwear, but the sector is very sensitive to international challenge represented by globalization like opening of markets with lower wages and lower production costs because of not respecting the high quality standards in force in Europe.
The nowadays challenges of EU companies include to count with highly qualified engineers, product & process developers, top and middle managers among their staff. They should have the right mix of skills, both professional and transversal, to demonstrate their competence for applied research, development and technological transfer.
Making the knowledge triangle work by connecting Higher Education, Research and Business for excellence is one of the goals of the EU policies and national political priorities in all EU 28 countries. The partners of the Erasmus+ Knowledge4Foot project recognize the benefits for the sector’s growth of such partnership approach, and will develop innovative tools for transferring knowledge to the European footwear sector by providing the High Education (HE) students and professionals with skills for applied research and innovation.

- To foster the excellence in tertiary level of training and education for design, product development, engineering and management by connecting the three areas of the knowledge triangle: Education, Research and Business.
- To link education, business-oriented innovation and research.
- To establish good practices for cooperation, bridging the worlds of education and work.
- Survey on labour market need for highly skilled professionals in footwear manufacturing.
- Online platform and training material for product design and development, engineering and management in footwear manufacturing.