Footwear in the 21st century: New skills for the design of drastically improved comfort, sustainable, fashion-oriented and scientifically-led footwear products

The ERASMUS+ SciLED Project aims to endow footwear designers and product managers with creative and innovative skills as well as with deep knowledge of the aspects affecting footwear comfort and sustainability.
The Erasmus+ SciLED Project will revise the footwear life-cycle and incorporate new knowledge into the design process in order to provide a scientific basis for drastically improved sustainable and comfort footwear products. Fostering smart specialisation, developing new skills and higher education paths will enhance the creation of a new professional profile and render the corresponding profession more attractive to young people.
- To analyse the product life cycle and the parameters that affect footwear quality with respect to sustainability, comfort and performance.
- To introduce technologies and innovative computer-based tools for the determination of footwear comfort parameters.
- To organise seminars/workshops in partner countries.

- To carry out a learning mobility action with students and mentors.
- To refine and improve the curricula for Footwear Designer and Product Manager.
- To provide the allied Universities with the produced accredited educational package.
- To stimulate the collaboration of higher education institutions and research institutes with companies in order to jointly develop new learning and teaching methods.
- Definition of comfort and sustainability parameters according to footwear categorisation.
- New professional profiles (adapted to EQF requirements) for Footwear Designer and Product Manager addressing comfort and sustainability issues.
- Modular courses and training material.
- Pilot action through a virtual FabLab, mobility of students and workshops/seminars in partner countries.
Visit the SciLED project website
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