Footwear Environmental Footprint Category Rules implementation and innovative green shoes ecodesign and recycling
(LIFE17 ENV/PT000337)
The project LIFE GREENSHOES4ALL intends to help footwear companies to reduce their CO2 and greenhouse gases emissions, reducing their environmental impact and contributing to the development of a sustainable industry
The project was born with the aim to implement, demonstrate and disseminate a Product Environmental Footprint (PEF) methodology for footwear and to develop efficient ecodesign, recycling and manufacturing solutions, in order to obtain performing shoes with a lower PEF.
In particular, LIFE GreenShoes4All intends to achieve a Single Market for Green Products by promoting the great added value of the innovative Product Environmental Footprint Category Rules (PEFCR) methodology. The project also intends to test and demonstrate new recycling routes in the EU footwear value chain and to establish and compare, through demonstrative experimentations, innovative ecodesign concepts and eco-processes for shoe manufacturing.
The project is coordinated by CTCP, the Portuguese research centre, and gathers the European Footwear Confederation (CEC), the Federation of Spanish Footwear Industries (FICE), EVATHINK and the Centre for Technology and Innovation in Footwear (INESCOP), which is leading the first pilot test for the implementation of the PEFCR methodology in footwear.
Spanish companies interested in collaborating in the development of the project can contact INESCOP's research team through the following link.
Implement a Footwear Environmental Footprint Category Rules (FEFCR) methodology.
- Establish innovative ecodesign concepts and eco-processes for shoe manufacturing with great transfer potential to other sectors (i.e. leather goods, clothes, etc.)
- Test new recycling routes in the EU footwear value chain to reduce raw materials needed and wastes discarded.
- Contribute to building a Single Market for Green Products by demonstrating the great added value of the footwear PEFCR methodology for producers, retailers and consumers.
Application of FEFCR's demonstration pilot to different footwear styles produced in the EU.
- Reports on PEFCR's applicability to selected shoe styles and recommendations to reduce the environmental footprint.
- Development of innovative sustainable green shoes and components, as well as ecodesign, recycling and manufacturing methodologies for low Footwear Environmental Footprint (FEF) & sustainable footwear.
- A strategy to ensure sustainability, replicability and transferability of the project to other sectors.
Ecodesign Guide for the footwear industry
Visita la web de GREENshoes4ALL
“El proyecto Life GreenShoes4All (LIFE17 ENV/PT/000337) se está llevando a cabo con la contribución del instrumento financiero LIFE de la Unión Europea”