DIAN becomes the first Spanish company to obtain INESCOP’s Quality Label for occupational footwear
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Dian, the occupational footwear brand, is the first Spanish company to obtain INESCOP’s Quality Label. This certificate endorses that Dian’s models have been manufactured meeting the requirements that guarantee the superior quality of its footwear.
INESCOP will be launching more than 50 training courses throughout 2019
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INESCOP will be launching a training programme consisting of more than 50 courses throughout 2019. The aim is to improve the competitiveness of shoe industry companies in such varied fields as design, quality control, materials or robotics.
INESCOP will participate in MOMAD fair that will take place in IFEMA, Madrid, during the 8th, 9th and 10th of February. During these days, the footwear technology centre will present the solutions it offers to the industry in the field of industrial sustainability and will also participate in Momad Forum with a round-table discussion on terminology and differences among hides, leather, vegan and synthetic materials.
DIAN becomes the first Spanish company to obtain the REACH label for finished footwear
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DIAN, a company specialised in the manufacture of occupational, sanitary, uniform and safety footwear, is the first Spanish company to achieve the REACH label for their EVA and EVA PLUS clog models in white. This certificate, issued by INESCOP, confirms that the companies or organisations to which the label is awarded comply with EU regulations to protect the user’s health and the environment.
Technical experts in the standardisation of footwear for professional use gathered in Vienna
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Members of the European Committee CEN/TC 161 and the International Committee ISO/TC 94/SC3 -among which INESCOP’s technical experts are included- gathered in Vienna to work on the preparation of European standards in the field of footwear for professional use.
INESCOP to showcase the new release of Icad3D+ at SIMAC
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INESCOP is to showcase at Simac Tanning Tech its new release of Icad3D+ v2019 software, a footwear design system that allows the designer to work in a more dynamic way in that a realistic, real-time display of the 3D model is obtained without the need of a previous rendering process.
ICSAS partnership gathers at INESCOP to integrate companies in a sustainable apprenticeship system
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INESCOP brings together the Erasmus+ ICSAS (Integrating Companies in a Sustainable Apprenticeship System) project partners in Elda to work on the development of Dual Vocational Training on the footwear sector in countries such as Romania and Portugal, where it has not been implemented yet.
Gonzalo Belenguer elected as the new REDIT director
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Gonzalo Belenguer has been elected as the new director of REDIT, the Network of Technological Institutes of the Valencian Region, after a selection process of almost 200 people that has taken several weeks.